
Apr 27, 2010

a very quick trip

We stayed in a beautiful suite on the 36th floor of the Palms Place tower, with a spectacular view of the strip. I managed to take alot of photos, and was even able to brave the questions and use the Ansco camera. Peter and I had breakfast at Mon Ami, under the Eiffel Tower at the Paris hotel and it's funny that something as simple as having breakfast together turned out to be the best part of the entire trip to Vegas.

but then.... Peter got really sick, & wasn't able to make the convention and I missed our kids and broke my camera lens, so we came back home a little early. Sometimes you just need to know when to call it a day, or in this case, a weekend.

I must say though, that there are so many pretty places to photograph in Vegas, and the city always has something new every time I visit. I'm still editing photos, but I really like these ones~

Apr 23, 2010

almost ready,

for a vacation.

Peter and I are heading out this weekend for a salon convention in.... Las Vegas! We were working at the same convention together 6 years ago, but now we get to go as salon owners. So, I'm packing this old suitcase of mine.

it was a toss up, the white suitcase or the pink. white... pink? white, it matches almost everything.

and I wish I had thought of buying film for this camera

but alas, i did not. So, instead I'm going to look rather dorky and use my anscoflex to take a few TTV photos on the Strip. One more stop at the post office tomorrow and it's goodbye AZ and hello Las Vegas!!

happy weekend!

Apr 21, 2010

lazy afternoons...

not hardly, but it sounds nice doesn't it?

It is unseasonably cold here today. Rainy, cloudy and cold. The type of afternoon that makes me want to throw on a fuzzy sweater and take a nap. But, there is simply too much to do today for cat naps. I've spent most of my day wrapping and packaging orders from my little store. I love pretty packages!

and working on a few custom orders

a package of layered butterflies

and I stayed up way too late last night making this:

I still have a few things left to complete on my checklist today. busy*busy* what have you done or made today? anything exciting or pretty?

xo~ T

Apr 19, 2010

are you wondering.....

who the lucky winner is?


diane said...
your creations are absolutely delightful!


Diane, email me at and I'll be mailing out a happy little package to you soon. :)

and thank you everyone for leaving such sweet comments! I'll be working on a few custom orders, and then adding a little more to the store this week. This whole week is going to be super busy and hopefully super duper creative. I'm still working on the re-mix of my little craft studio. I need to make a trip to Crate & Barrel for a few baskets and then hopefully, fingers crossed, I will be done. Or close enough. :)

I took just a couple of photos last week. Once everything is put back together, I'll take a bunch more.

Apr 16, 2010

etsy give-away

today is the day!! I've made a little embellishment kit to giveaway, full of my favorite and newest handmade products. There's a little bit of everything from my store that I know you'll love using in your own creations!! Just leave a comment on this post, and I'll be choosing a winner on Monday morning.

this kit includes, carnival tickets, white journal cards, buttons, a vintage fabric flower, hand dyed crepe paper, a sticker sheet of the cutest spring stickers, and it's all wrapped with a flower paper garland and vintage fabric tag.

ok, so I'm off to go update my little store!!

Apr 15, 2010

Kitschy Sale!!

just dropping in to mention this sale!! Time to stock up on super cute digital images!!

Apr 14, 2010

a sneek peek

I'm so happy to be able to say this!!! I'm re-opening my little Etsy store this week!! I've changed things a bit, and added lots of new products! I've been working extra hard to create pretty items and taking so many photos of everything. So, I suppose it would be a good time to add a few sneak-peeks before the store opens!

and on Friday I'll also be having a giveaway!!! A cute embellishment kit from my store, so be sure and check back!! xo~ T

Apr 13, 2010

Easter Highlights

it's a bit late, but better than never. Holidays always go by so fast, I know I say it all the time, but by the time all is said and done, I always feel like I didn't take enough photos.... maybe a bit of mommy guilt? eh, who knows. So here are some photos I took Easter morning, before guests started arriving for dinner.

Alaina wanted to make one special prize egg, a pink egg covered in glitter of course. We hid that egg first on Easter morning, and our dog promptly went over and retrieved for us. Such a good Lab. We got it out of her mouth but the glitter was gone and Alaina was less than impressed with her puppy.

I found these cute little yellow baskets just before Easter. I filled them with edible candy grass and jelly-beans. Every plate had it's own mini Easter basket, and next year I'll put little flags with each person's name. cute* cute*

We made chocolate macaroons too, so simple and so good! They were a hit at Peter's

I think the best part of Easter was this: we asked Alaina to tell everyone how her Easter egg hunt went, and she said "well, the Easter egg hunt...was a bust." I'll be scapbooking that later. :)