
Jan 29, 2012

Pretty Party with Crate Paper

hello - hello! I'm back but just making this a quick post today. I wanted to share a couple of projects that I made last week for the Crate Paper booth at CHA. Crate has created 2 new collections and I got a chance to play with the paper & chipboard from the Pretty Party line. It's so wonderfully girly and flowery and just perfect for Spring parties! If you pop over to the Crate Blog and leave a comment on my post today we're giving away one Pretty Party collection!

To go along with the party theme, I created a little party favor, invitation and some pretty confetti - Because I'm convinced confetti goes with everything!

I have my color challenge to prepare for this Friday and I seem to be running a tad bit behind with it. I'm slowly making progress getting the house unpacked but my craft room has been last on the list of things to-do. It's a slow process! xo ~T

Jan 14, 2012

8 things I love: Saturday


The movers are already at the other house with the furniture so that gives me a few quick minutes to post. I'm doing it people, I'm wearing sweats in public. Normally sweats are only reserved for the day that I get out of the hospital but today I throw caution to the wind and wear them anyways! This moving stuff is serious business that requires the absolute most comfortable clothes ever. Sweats my friends, sweats.

xo ~ T

Jan 11, 2012

me & Cocoa Daisy

Due to the epic move set for this Saturday, this will most likely be my only scrapbook post for the month. So, I figured I'd better make it a good one! Way back in October I was asked to be a guest designer for Cocoa Daisy and even though December was a crazy busy month, I accepted the challenge. I think working with a kit is also a little more organized too because you only have so many things to work with and then that's it!

Here's what I made with their January main kit!

This layout was all about a strong title and stronger journaling and I just didn't feel that it needed a photo to support the over all feel. It wasn't meant to be a super cutesy layout. (Even though, when both my husband & my good friend saw this page they said the same thing! "Where's the photo?) This layout could not be more appropriate for this week!

I loved this floral paper - it's reminds me of pretty vintage wallpaper and yellow mixed with black and white stripes is always a hit in my book!

I had wanted to create some type of little mini list album and then decided on making one for Home lists. Everyone room in the new house has an index card that I can jot down items that are needed for that room. I think I've filled it since taking these photos over 2 weeks ago!

Had to scrapbook one of the kids' Christmas photos!

The Cocoa Daisy kit came with a package of Sassafras paper flowers (I loved those and was so happy to see them in a kit again!) Instead of just tossing the packaging that the flowers came with, I covered the little paper insert with paper and then sewed in lots of randomly cut pieces of graph and ledger paper. It made a good tiny notebook for keeping track of everything lately!

Well, there you have it! All my scrapbook stuff for the month in one place! I'm going back to packing this afternoon, movers are coming on Saturday and that's only 3 days away!! Wish me luck!

Jan 7, 2012

8 things I love: Saturday

just in time too!

black and white

Since my sister is here visiting & helping us to move, we've been playing dress up in my closet for the past 2 days. I use to love when she would come down because I'd get a chance to clean out the closet and I'd send her home with all my extra stuff. Double win! So far, I've sorted through jewelry, winter coats, clothes and purses, oh and makeup. It's good to have a little sister to share with! :)

Jan 4, 2012

taking a break

I'm taking a little break this afternoon. I have packed 10 boxes today. That's it? Only 10? Surely I've been able to accomplish more than just a measly 10 boxes. Even I was surprised to re-count and realize that no, 10 really is the magic number. Man.... packing is a total pain in the rear and where is all the cool stuff people are always exclaiming that they unearthed while packing? So far, I've found bupkiss - nada - nothing. Unless you believe finding a petrified scorpion, that met it's death in the corner of our garage, the find of the decade.... because I sure don't!

I crawled back into Peter's side of the bed this morning and told him to please wake me in exactly 11 days after we've moved into the new house. I want nothing more to do with the packing part of this move.

Ok, so when I say I've not found anything good, maybe that's an over exaggeration, I have found some fun forgotten stuff in the back of the bookcase and closet. Like my notebooks I wrote in back when Peter and I were first dating. It was cute skimming over their content. Nine years later here we are. :) I found photos I had forgotten about and more notebooks. I actually tossed 11 filled notebooks. I'm pretty proud of myself for that. I still have about 20 more notebooks that I think I may end up keeping. I also think I write too much.

I've been so lucky to have lived in the same house for the past 10 years. Must not forget that!

Jan 1, 2012

my top 9 of 2011

Happy New Year!

following with tradition - I'm posting my top 9 favorite projects from 2011. I think all but one of these projects were Crate Paper stuff. I worked alot with Crate last year and this year looks to be very much the same! I also realized how very little actual layouts I made :( I must make this more a priority this year.

I'm still working on a massive custom order.... I'm hoping today is the day that I wrap it all up. My to-do list is out of control and only continues to grow by the day! Time for some coffee and the first sewing fest of 2012!

ps. did you know the Rose Bowl parade isn't today? I always thought it was on New Years - so dissapointed this morning but I know what I'll be doing tomorrow!