
Jun 26, 2009

a winner, & a sneak peak

and the winner is....

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:

# 10
Timestamp: 2009-06-27

Playing with Dandelions said...
My dream job as a kid was to become a princess/fashion designer/superstar.
Maybe a fashion-designing princess who enjoys the status of a superstar... haha.
Now, anything regarding aesthetics seems to be my dream job. :D
yay Dandelions!! you're the new owner of 4 gift tags! :) Email your address to me at

Reading through the comments made me 1. smile 2. laugh and 3. remember back to all of the dreams I had back then. I must say though, that I always knew I wanted to work with color in some way. After attending school for business, I went back to school for aesthetics. I trained with Aveda while I was living in Hawaii, and quickly became interested in being a makeup artist. But again, it goes back to working with color. Every once in while, I'll take a detour at Target and wonder down the Crayola isle. Just browsing through the many boxes of colored pencils and markers. A sight that still makes me happy....

and the second part of this post, some sneak pics from things I've worked on this month. I'll be linking everything up on the 1st. I'm also doing a sketch this coming month of a layout! My first one... excited! More to come in just a few days!!

Hope everyone has a spectacular weekend!!

Jun 22, 2009

a Kawaii Cute Fruits give-away!!

as promised.

I really enjoy making gift tags! They're practical, super cute and the perfect finish for any gift. When I was about 5 years old, I had 2 dream jobs. One was to work for Crayola, naming the different colors of crayons and markers. :) Seriously, how cool would that be!! The second job was to gift wrap presents. (ahh, the dreams of a 5 year old :) Even after all these years, I still am so in love with papers and ribbons, and making gifts look pretty!!

So lets hear it, what was your dream job as a kid?!! I'll do a random number pick from the comments on Friday!!

Jun 21, 2009


is one of my favorite crafty friends! We stay up entirely too late every night she's in town. I try teaching her every thing I know, but little is actually accomplished because we're too busy catching up with one another. I always look forward to Danielle visiting, and Alaina loves her sooo much!!

I've been working on so many fun projects lately that I'm a little behind now with the blog. I'm guest designing this summer for a couple of super cute people, so my next couple of posts will be filled with scrapbook stuff! I'm also doing a little give-away.... or RAK, whatever you want to call it. I made a set of gift tags, and since they're my new fav thing to make, I thought I'd give away the newest set. Must take some photos of them first. :)

I have brownies coming out of the oven in a few minutes. The house smells like chocolate. Yum!!! Happy Fathers Day, to all of the dads in my life. ~ T

Jun 2, 2009

i'm leaving on a jet plane....

or rather a large SUV. I got a very nice offer that I couldn't refuse, and I'm now taking the kids and heading south to Tucson for a few days, and we're leaving in the morning. So, this changes my plans a little for updating my store. I've had lots of family coming and going for the past 5 weeks, and I really had planned on working the entire week to be ready for the update, but a full house can change plans as I've come to realize.

Fingers crossed** I'll be ready this weekend. I'm also finishing my project for the kit that I put together for the store. I feel like I always want to have a sample that goes along with a new product. I love pretty little projects!

Some highlights from this past weekend:

*Making the best fresh lemonade
*Shopping at Anthropologie with Grandma Judy & Alaina
*talking with the sweetest person on the phone about her horse ranch
*Bringing home a couple more bouquets of Peony's
*Finding a cute pink vintage makeup hard case (just like the one my grandma had)
*Making Mickey Mouse Waffles for the family at Sunday breakfast

I need to pack some suitcases tonight, and a couple of cameras. Alaina's been packing her bag and it's now full of Barbie's and Bratz dolls. :) Hopefully I'll be posting some good photos of beautiful south AZ when I return.