
May 27, 2009

may I have your attention please...

My name is Tara and I suck at blogging. Yes, there is no way of getting around the fact that I am a terrible blogger. I admire so many woman that seem to be able to manage their time well enough to keep clean homes and find the time to blog after the dishes are washed and the kids are asleep. I however, am not there quite yet. Granted my home is clean, and the dishes must be washed right after the last person has finished their dinner, my kids are tucked into bed around 9pm and by 10:30, I'm usually ready to start work. Unfortunately, my cute blog isn't included in the category of work. Guilt ridden, I'm back... and making a mid year resolution, to blog at least twice a week. I seem to have been introduced as crafter/blogger alot recently, which makes me a bit anxious because in fact I'm not a blogger, an imposter blogger would be a more accurate title. But I will be diligent in my efforts to uphold my resolution. With that, my sincerest apologies if you check in regularly to see if I've posted!!

this post is a rambling mess in itself but it's something I felt compelled to write about. Up next is a post about placemats, making your own that is. Be back in about an hour.


  1. this should be the exact same post that i need to write on my blog!!!

  2. i hear ya girl! so tough to find the time...


  3. thing about clean homes? those who make do those who can't blog! you're always an inspiration and i feel lucky that you share your world with us, even if it is at a sucky blogging rate...;)

  4. I TOTALLY suck at blogging. I have a thousand ideas and topics that I want to blog about but zero time to make that happen. Then when I DO have the time I have no energy. I hearby absolve you of any bad-blogger guilt! We faithful followers will always check in no matter what.
