
Jun 2, 2009

i'm leaving on a jet plane....

or rather a large SUV. I got a very nice offer that I couldn't refuse, and I'm now taking the kids and heading south to Tucson for a few days, and we're leaving in the morning. So, this changes my plans a little for updating my store. I've had lots of family coming and going for the past 5 weeks, and I really had planned on working the entire week to be ready for the update, but a full house can change plans as I've come to realize.

Fingers crossed** I'll be ready this weekend. I'm also finishing my project for the kit that I put together for the store. I feel like I always want to have a sample that goes along with a new product. I love pretty little projects!

Some highlights from this past weekend:

*Making the best fresh lemonade
*Shopping at Anthropologie with Grandma Judy & Alaina
*talking with the sweetest person on the phone about her horse ranch
*Bringing home a couple more bouquets of Peony's
*Finding a cute pink vintage makeup hard case (just like the one my grandma had)
*Making Mickey Mouse Waffles for the family at Sunday breakfast

I need to pack some suitcases tonight, and a couple of cameras. Alaina's been packing her bag and it's now full of Barbie's and Bratz dolls. :) Hopefully I'll be posting some good photos of beautiful south AZ when I return.


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun Tara!!! I can't wait to see the beautiful pictures :)
