
Jul 11, 2009

the weekend edition

Don't you just love when you have a super productive day!! I feel very accomplished at the moment.
Today I did;
3 loads of laundry
1 dishwasher cycle
baked 2 dozen Chocolate Oatmeal cookies
made 1 dish of sugar-free Berry Jello
cooked a 4lb. roast in the slow-cooker all day
worked on 1 custom order
almost finished 1 scrapbook page
jotted down some notes and ideas
& I got to watch a little of the movie The Holiday, it's cute, at least what I got to see...

I think that's it. My little baby Chase is taking 2 naps now a day, but it still allows for lots of spare time to get things done. Thank goodness for long naps!!

Peter and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary on Thursday!! I got a lovely new orchid to add to my growing collection. My husband knows me so well, and had mentioned that he tried to find Peony's, but since they're out of season the orchid was the next best choice.

Since it's super hot here (116f.) we're not outside much, except for the occasional sunset photo. Of all the states I've lived in, AZ has the most spectacular sunsets. Alaina told me that the clouds looked like pink cotton-candy, and they did.

Happy-happy Saturday!!


  1. Beautiful sunset! Happy Anniversary (I got an orchid for Mother's day. I love them too!)


  2. Tara Happy Anniversary, Super hubby to know you so well, and what an energetic day you had, wish I was like that. You have got a great blog here I am signing on, that OK with you. Hugs Sue

  3. The orchid is gorgeous! Hope you had a wonderful anniversary. We just celebrated our 11th in May and each year gets better and better! =) Oh - and so wishing I had your energy to get all that done! Maybe motivation is a better term?? ;-)

  4. That's a beautiful orchid!!!! Peter is such a sweetie :) Happy 5th Anniversary!

    OMG you sure got a lot done! It must be great to have all that energy...I have trouble getting dressed and out of bed most days :( Goofy me! Thank god for the kiddos!!!!

  5. Hi

    I so LOve your style!! It is funky, soft and makes me happy in my heart just looking at it!!


  6. wow this does sound like one busy day! happy anniversary and the orchid is just my oh my!

  7. I LOVE orchids. I think they are beautiful. I bought one and it bloomed and I thought it was doing okay and then it died. Any tips to success? I would love to try again.
