
Jan 31, 2011

a perfectly random winner


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beida-fish said...
I'm game for anything crafty. I'd love to see more crafting classes. Thanks for giving us the chance to win such an adorable kit you put together!

If this comment looks familiar send me your address!! and a tiny Valentines package will be on it's way to you!

Ironically, I'm spending the start of my week doing the exact same thing that I ended last week doing, mailing packages at the post office. :) Funny how that works! I have an idea for another food inspired post later on today. It's a bit rainy and cloudy here this morning which always makes me want to stay inside and cook or bake! see you soon!:)

Jan 29, 2011

a lovely Saturday giveaway

*if you're looking for our swap list, I added a shortcut! -------------> click on the heart and it will take you to the post..*

I made a little embellishment kit to giveaway on my blog today. Just a few things to add to a scrapbook layout or if your making your own valentine! My favorite is the handmade stickers, I use them on everything; envelopes, notes, cards, tags... and anything else that I can stick them too. :)

If you're taking a break today leave your name in the comment section... and if you have a little extra time I have a question! More like a poll I suppose. Craft class or Scrapbook class?

(If you had the chance (and spare time) what would you rather take, a class on scrapbooking or a class on crafting? Personally, even though I love working with paper, I think I'd be more incline to choose a crafting class. I like the idea of being more open to different projects and maybe not just focusing on only paper crafting. Does that make sense?)

I'll choose a name on Monday morning!!

Jan 28, 2011

layers of pink & red

Since I posted our Valentine list this afternoon, I thought I would pop back in with a couple of Valentines that I made.

I'm not sure if any one else has had this problem but I had a hard time deciding on the size. I had originally thought I would just make a really girly tag, but then it didn't look right... or finished. So, what started off as just an idea for a little Valentine card, turned into a little book, or stack, of Valentine tags. **I really did intend to make something simple and small!!**

I took photos of each layer, it makes it easier to see how they're made. :)
the first one: Love Struck

love & hearts (I think I'll add a little more to this one and give it to Peter.)

*love*love* I love this color combo pink-red-blue-white!!

I have one more card to make tonight and then my completely disorganized craft room is calling my name. I've definitely earned the world's messiest scrapper award this week, but it was kind of worth it! :)) Hope you have a great weekend!

Valentines Day Swap- the List!!

it's officially here!

** I think I've included everyone that has signed up, so I'm closing the swap at the 36 of us already signed up. If you missed out on this swap, don't worry I have another idea for a swap in April!! **

I haven't been able to track down some of you that signed up, if you see your name and I don't have a way of contacting you, please leave your email in the comments. *I'll delete all of our email's once everyone has contacted their swap partners.* Since I'm really new at organizing a swap, I probably should have mentioned to leave an email address. doh! Next time, I will remember!

Jennifer C. <------> Juliet

April <-----> Christina

Andrea <-----> Jody

Alicia <-----> Britta

Vintage Love <------> Stacy

One thousand Paper Cranes <----->

Tanya <-----> Angie B.

Brenda <-----> Emily

Nerissa <-----> Robin

<-----> Anastasia C

Jul <-----> Me!!

Merisaa <------> Amy G.

Heather <-----> Fauve

Patricia Z. <----> Renee

Nora <-----> TxScrap

Tanya M <-----> Jessica

Karey <-----> Heather P.

<-----> Elisa

Here's the tricky part, everyone will have to work together to contact their own swap partner. I know you can do it!! Please let me know if you need help or have questions, I'm here to help!

I have some errands to run and some Etsy shipping to take care of, but tonight I'll post 3 of the Valentines that I made! I can also do a tutorial if anyone is interested tomorrow... maybe a how-to make a simple layered Valentine?

Happy Friday!

Jan 26, 2011

I think her voice is incredible.

Have you heard this song? The music video was a little difficult to watch, I was always a music kid & not so much a theatre kid. But I love her voice and the piano!

my plan for this Wednesday: all things Valentines!

Jan 25, 2011

Dream- a little book

warning: photo overload post!

Crate decided to post my project today rather than waiting until next month. :) You probably won't believe this but I made this entire mini on Sunday morning. I did take a break to go fly a parrot kite (it was insanely windy this weekend!) and a lunch break, but the whole little book came together so fast!!!..... well fast for me anyway, as I tend to take my own sweet time making everything. ;) There are more details and a little write up on the crate paper blog.

Now onto the photo part of this post! Enjoy!

photo credit: Marcel van Driel(you have to check out his work, he's amazing!)

**all of the butterflies are hand cut and the brown flower was handmade from a worn-out t-shirt. Everything in this book is all part of the newest Crate Paper - Portrait collection. If you have any questions, I'll add the answers to the end of this post! Thanks ~ t

Jan 23, 2011

tgi sunday night!

holy super busy-creative weekend. I stayed in my pj's today, because it seemed like a good idea and it was! I scrapbooked all weekend.... actually since Thursday, I've been a scrappin' fool. I finished a couple of new scrapbook pages, in time for CHA and put together a little mini-album layered to perfection! All for the Crate Paper blog. I have to wait patiently until it's reveal time!!

here's the LO I did with their newest collection Portrait. I love-love this photo. My grandparents on June 21, 1956, their wedding day. They look so young here and my grandfather looks so serious. I don't ever remember him being serious, he was always getting on someones last nerve.... usually my grandma's. :) He was always joking or laughing about something. He had a great laugh, even now remembering how his laugh sounded makes me smile. I miss him. I've been thinking about him alot this week. Probably more so since finishing this layout.

I have a Dr. apt tomorrow. Another scan. Keep your fingers crossed for me that they aren't terribly surprised with what they find this time around. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. At the last scan I did in Nov. I ended up in the emergency room. It makes me so anxious to go back, and even more nervous to find out how they plan on 'fixing' me. Oh how I hope it's an easy 6 hour apt. tomorrow.
Good night everyone. Sweet dreams. - t.

ps. I have some Valentines to show everyone and thankyou to everyone who signed up for the swap!! I'll be assigning swap partners this week! Oh and yes, international girls are more than welcome to play along!

Jan 20, 2011

a Valentines Day Card swap...

just for us grown-up girls! :))

So, I've decided... Why wait until next year? Let's do a Valentines Day swap now! If you're interested in making and swapping 1 little handmade Valentine card, leave a comment below!! I'll match up swap partners next week, and that should give us lot's of time to make and send a Valentine before the 14th. {Since this is my very first time organizing a swap, any helpful advice is very much appreciated! and who knows, maybe this will turn into a regular event around here!}

and incase you need some Valentine color inspiration, I took a few photos yesterday. Enjoy!

I'll be back tomorrow with some new scrapbook-ish stuff. :)) Oh and don't miss the giveaway on the Crate Paper blog today!! I can tell you that the Emma collection is already one of my forever favorites!!

Jan 19, 2011

tiny Valentine art

hello all. I'm taking a little break from some morning yoga to write about my newest challenge on the
Entre Artistes blog. If you have some extra time this week, come play along!!

While driving around town this weekend, Alaina and I had a long conversation about Valentines Day cards, and why sometimes you have to give something away in order to receive something. (She picked out a box of Disney tv stars Valentines for her class and I don't think she wants to give them away. :))

That's one thing I miss about being an adult, we don't get a whole box of cheesey little Valentines Day cards anymore! I think next year I will organize a handmade Valentine swap because wouldn't we all like to see something special show up in our actual mail-box! :)

Jan 15, 2011


I'm just sitting here waiting for dinner to finish up. I have a pork-tenderloin in the oven and it smells incredible! (I wish my blog had smell-o-vision! yum!!) I'll cut a few tomato's and make a quick caprese salad, add some potatoes and viola dinner is complete. :) & while I was waiting I found this cute song:

a friend had emailed the other day asking if I had heard anything good lately (musically) and although I did get the record player I had dreamed about for Christmas, there is a Chipmunk album in it right now. :) The little girl was particularly excited to have found that record at a thrift store last weekend and we've certainly got our money's worth from it. :) So, no. Sadly, I have not been listening to very good music lately.

Have you found any new bands or songs that are worthy to share? I know she's not new but I have been listening to lots of Regina Spektor. She's so lovely!

Jan 14, 2011

Crate Paper dt

Want to hear a secret? :) (it was announced this morning on their blog, so I suppose it's not so much a secret anymore, but it's still kind of fun to pretend!) I'm happy to say that I'm now a:

I'm going to be spending some time as part of the crate paper design team! Working with Christine and pretty paper is right up there with fudge and tiramisu ice cream for me..... just perfect!

ok, thanks for letting me share! Oh! and happy Friday! :)

Jan 13, 2011

just popping in

Where did the past week go! Well, I can tell you where my week has probably gone... 2 sick kids and just when I thought I might have kind of a peaceful week, I've added even more projects to an already full to-do list. Oh-my!

and somehow in last months excitement I forgot to mention that I was a guest artist for 2 pretty scrapbook challenge blogs! The first is scrap idees, this is actually my second time designing for them! It's a cute sketch-challenge blog!

I was also a guest artist for the lovely and artsy
Page of My Book challenge blog. If you haven't seen their work, you need to!! Seriously, click on the link right now and go check them out!

Hopefully these two sites will leave you inspired to create something spectacular! I have one more big scrapbook surprise on the horizon. :) I'm so giddy and excited about this one, that it's been hard keeping it a secret this past week. :)

There are some little noses that need to be wiped and some homemade chicken soup to make. Be back as soon as I can!

Jan 4, 2011

good to be home

Alright, I may not be the first to admit it, but I kind of miss that it's not Christmas anymore. Don't get me wrong, I lived and breathed Christmas spirit for months this year, and yet it seemed to go by so quickly.

The best part of the holidays this year, was going home! Peter and I packed up the kids and even the 2 dogs and headed out on Christmas Eve for a 14 hour road-trip to Northern California. All of sudden the adventure of a road-trip has brought on a new meaning when you factor in small children and animals. The trip up there though was relatively uneventful, thankfully! We were all excited to be back in Cali for Christmas!

We spent 9 days, visiting both of our families and making the most of our Christmas together! We went to my parents' home first. Alaina and Chase loved their newest cousin Keira. Alaina had a sleep over and a little tea party with her.... I'm guessing Alaina is making up for the sister she didn't get. Chase, appropriately enough, chased the girls the entire time. So cute to see all of them playing together!

During our stay at my mom's, we all went to Marine World... well actually it's now a Six Flags, but when I was little it was just marine world. My not-so-little cousin joined us for the day too! Konrad just graduated last month from the Marines boot camp. It's hard to believe the little boy who use to want to do everything with my sister's and I, is now in the military. We're all so proud of him!

Since we missed the snow fall here in Cave Creek, we made up for it by taking them on a snow hill in Marine World. I'm thinking a real trip to the snow may be in order now that we're home!!

Peter and I even had time to drive over the hill to Napa. We wondered around the down-town, had lunch and played the part of a tourist oh-so well! I love Napa, and even though I'm not there during the spring time, it was still uniquely beautiful!

I took along my old camera, but it was sooo incredibly wet and cold the entire time we were there, my lens kept fogging up. :( What a bummer! The town of Vacaville has changed quite a bit since I was last there and I'm hoping to be back in the spring/summer time, when it will be less soggy. :)

Happy New Years from Mags and me!!!