
Jul 16, 2013

Photo post, week 1

I've decided that editing photos while on vacation is a very slow process and with that, I only have a handful of photos to share this morning. Seeing as how we've been here for a week, I'll have a considerable amount of photos to sort through once we make our way make home!
This past week, we: visited other Grandmas house and spent some time with Peter's side of the family.(My mother-in-law has the prettiest flower gardens!) Went to Marine World. Picked fresh fruit from the trees in my moms yard, and did a little bird watching from the kitchen window. All in all, a very simple and laid back week!
Tomorrow we make the drive up to the Oregon house where later in the week, we'll be meeting up with one of my sweetest crafty friends. The weekend cannot arrive soon enough! I'm off to the park with the kids again, enjoy your day!








  1. your hummingbird and butterfly pics are slaying me! i want your lens! and yer skills...;)

  2. this post is everything i love into one! i love hummingbirds, butterflies, and those beautiful flowers! what perfect photos of the kids too. :)

  3. Anonymous1.8.13

    Love your pics, and your kiddos are adorable. You have a great eye for capturing nature.
