
Sep 14, 2008

a celebration ~

We celebrated Alaina's 4th birthday yesterday! Where does the time go? I think now that she's getting to be older, and understands different holidays and celebrations, it's even more fun to share in her excitement. Before bed last night, she told us that 'today was the best day of my life!" I love-love that little girl!

While I was working on a project, she came over to ask if I could make her a chocolate cake with pink icing and sprinkles, that she could hang in her little play kitchen. (Alaina truly believes her mom can make anything out of paper!) So we headed into the studio to gather up supplies, and I made a little birthday-cake wall hanging for her. She was so excited, she absolutely loves chocolate cake and sprinkles right now!

It has a very 'Charlie and Lola'-ish feel, one of our favorite tv cartoons! I'm so in love with that show~ the music and the hand drawn characters!! I'm always inspired to make something every time we're able to watch an episode! I'd love to know what shows/movies inspire you to create!

one more photo ~ of a little gift adorned with girly flowers and a sparkly butterfly~ I have entirely too much fun gift wrapping!


  1. Happy Birthday Alaina! Tara- your gift-wrapping is gorgeous- so inspirational.

  2. Happy Birthday Sweet Alaina!

    That present looks too good to open!!!

  3. hi tara! so glad i found your new blog....lovin' your playlist :)

  4. Happy birthday sweet Alaina! I'm preparing some cute and pink stuff for you!!!! =)
    I've just been watching Charlie & Lola and loved it..! Sooo cute!
    So genuine! And the voices! Just loved it..!
    My inspirations usually comes with music! =P

  5. Oh sweet girl! Happy Birthday!!! I can't believe shes 4 already! Geez! Where does the time go?? Jake will be 4 in Nov. I'm in denial. :) Pink Couch looks amazing (as I knew it would be) xoxo - B

  6. I hope Alaina's birthday was a lovely one! And how cute that she wanted you to make her a cake she could keep!!

  7. Happy 4th Birthday Alaina :D

    That chocolate birthday cake looks amazing!!!! We LOVE Charlie & Lola too ~ it's one of Kennedy's favorites :)

    I love the little butterflies in the opening song, and I was once inspired to make a layout with the same butterflies!

  8. Anonymous26.9.08

    Hi Tara! Glad to see you back in blogland. I will visit often. Your NC friend, Debbie

  9. oh my gosh, I just *love* your blog! Any place with this much pink makes me feel right at home! :o)
