While I was working on a project, she came over to ask if I could make her a chocolate cake with pink icing and sprinkles, that she could hang in her little play kitchen. (Alaina truly believes her mom can make anything out of paper!) So we headed into the studio to gather up supplies, and I made a little birthday-cake wall hanging for her. She was so excited, she absolutely loves chocolate cake and sprinkles right now!

It has a very 'Charlie and Lola'-ish feel, one of our favorite tv cartoons! I'm so in love with that show~ the music and the hand drawn characters!! I'm always inspired to make something every time we're able to watch an episode! I'd love to know what shows/movies inspire you to create!
one more photo ~ of a little gift adorned with girly flowers and a sparkly butterfly~ I have entirely too much fun gift wrapping!