I woke up this morning with a mind full of ideas and, like almost all of my mornings, I spent it talking to a friend. A little craft pep-talk to get the day started right!! You know how most people call their mom each day, well I talk to one of 2 really good friends everyday. Every women needs a few great girlfriends to surround herself with. I'm so thankful that 3 of my girlfriends live in different time-zones!! So, no matter when I want to talk or need someone to listen to my greatest new idea, one of them is usually available! Lucky me. :)
That brings me to this weeks... make that the rest of this years mantra.
perfect right? I think so. I'm working on such a big creative-project right now and I try to spend a little of everyday working towards that dream. That would also make a great mantra: work a little each day towards your dreams.
It's Monday. This week's menu is going to look a little like last week's menu. I got sick last Monday and it lasted until yesterday. There were 2 days where I wanted nothing but Gatorade and saltine crackers. Needless to say I didn't do much cooking last week, in fact I did nada. nothing. zilch. I left it all to Peter which the kids LOVED anyway (go-figure) because they had things like pancakes and quesedillas for dinner. :) So, here's my kinda repeat menu for this week.
Organic Tomato Soup
Turkey and Havarti Panni's
Marinated Chicken Tenders, (coated in Panko Bread crumbs and baked)
Grilled Polenta with a Mushroom Ragu
Watermelon & Strawberries
Parmesan Crusted Tilapia
toasted Pine Nut Couscous
Clam Chowder
Homemade Croutons
Garden Salad
Friday: breakfast for dinner night!
Baked French Toast Casserole
turkey sausage
fresh melons and berries
raspberry lemonade
Chicken Taco's
Broccoli Coleslaw
fresh fruit
I was on a phone call the other day with Chase's Dr. and I gave him a feather. This was a first for him and I've come to realize that if you give a boy a yellow feather - he'll stay entertained (and quiet) for 30 minutes. :) We have an in-home evaluation tomorrow for him. I spent a good part of my day running around the house like a crazy person, cleaning and trying to find a space for the 165,320.25 toys that are scattered through our home. It's so unnerving to know someone is coming into your home to observe you. You can't help but want everything to be perfect!

I have my fingers crossed for a low-stress day tomorrow! Oh, and one more thing!! For 2 weekends in a row now, I've been lucky enough to add 2 new Kodak cameras to my collection. Sweet!

Happy start to a good week!