Ok. I purchased a new camera and I'll admit, I really do love it. I had a Nikon D60 (the one that bit the dust unfortunately last week) and I was not too keen on having to shop for and learn how to use a new camera. I was just going to replace my D60, it's a sensible choice and I already know how it works, but I ran into the store and all they had was the Nikon D3100 and I needed a camera by 12pm yesterday. So Chase and I walked out of the store with a new camera in hand and ran back to the house to start charging the battery so that I could get back to work.
The kids were sweet enough to let me practice some of the new settings. My little guy is such a total ham when it comes to cameras or video cameras. No need to coax him into taking his photo!

I will say this, with the D60 I always had to edit my photos but with this D3100 there is almost no editing needed. The images are sharp, bright and clear which I love. It's been stormy and overcast here lately, so the lighting hasn't been optimal but by looking at the photos I took today, you wouldn't be able to tell. I think I'm sold!
and Alaina, I made her take a break from homework yesterday to take a couple of photos. I can't believe how much she looks like me in this one, I usually say that she looks just like her dad, but not so much here. It might be the lighting.... or my awesome new camera!

I had a super busy - half way productive day. I worked on 2 tutorials today,
(here's a peek:

I cleaned a little (that boy of mine loves to open and pour out every container I own in my craft room), and I'm putting together the next color combination for May. You're going to love it, I just know it!
Oh! and probably the best - most awesome part of today - I got to talk to
this lady on the phone tonight! If you knew me in real life, you would know that I have a ridiculous fear of phone calls. Always have. As far back as I can remember I have never liked calling anyone for anything on the phone. I'm an email-instant messaging kind of girl. Even the idea of Skype makes me a little anxious..... ridiculous, I know. So it was kind of a big deal to me. :))
I'm off to make a pretty flower garland and then some reading time. I just purchased this book, it's looks fun and I can't wait to see the photos. I love re-purposing design books!

I'll do a question/answer post too sometime this week. I have questions to answer from the blog and flickr, so I think I shall put them all in one post. If you've asked me something recently - I haven't forgot you!!