Years ago, I want to say like 3 years ago, right around Easter time I was patiently waiting for Jessica to restock her famous Easter Bunnies. I had missed out the previous year and this time I was determined to purchase a lavender-chocolate (fabric of course) bunny for Alaina. I scored and the bunny arrived just in time for Easter!

I was so excited to give it to Alaina, it came wrapped just like a little chocolate bunny. Totally cute, and apparently our black lab Dutchess thought so too because within hours of giving it to Alaina, the dog had tried eating it. (In Dutchie's defense she was a puppy, but that year she tore apart 1 Easter Bunny, chewed off Barney's nose, ate 6 of Handy Manny's tools and destroyed 2 Foofa dolls. It was not a good year to be a toy in our house.) I was mortified for Alaina and completely embarrassed to tell Jessica that all her hard work was eaten. So I stayed mum for a year, until Easter rolled around again and I purchased another bunny from her shop. I also came clean about the fate of the previous year's bunny.

So, if your looking for a cute-vintage and one of a kind Easter basket gift, look no further than a little love bunny!!
Those are just too cute! I love how you have them all lined up with the little tails! Adorable!
missing you and your posts!
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