It's a kind of a tad bit late this evening, but I really wanted to get this post up at some point today! In between our running around, visiting family, trips to the park and evening walks looking for neighbor cats, I've managed to squeeze in a little creative time. Then today, after visiting our local farmers market for some organic fruit, a quick trip to the barber shop to get Chase a haircut and some very successful vintage book shopping, I headed back to my parents house to do some crafting and set up for a few photos. Fruit ~ old books ~ scrapbooking, could a Saturday afternoon possibly get any better?
As for our color combination, at the start of the week we spent the day at Marine World where I took this photo of a pretty vintage style carousel and that's what I'm using as the inspiration for this weeks color combination!
the color palette for the week is:
mermaid teal - Parisian pink - French custard - antique marigold
I've been slowly working on my collage book this past week, collecting random papers and using my mom's dinosaur like sewing machine (seriously it's huge and bulky!) to sew the layers of papers together. I love this color combination, and when mixed with a few subtle patterns I think it's really pretty and perfect for summer!
I spy with my little eye a mistake with this page.... do you see it?
Yep, I stamped the wrong date. So irritating and of course it looked right when I was setting it (because it's reversed on the stamp) and I'm not the patient type so testing it beforehand didn't happen. I just went for it, and then realized what I had black ink.... That's when you take a deep breath and say 'oh well.' I still like the page even with the wrong date!
I found a couple of interesting quotes referencing traveling/vacations while reading this week. Ultimately I went with the above quote but I also liked this one:
"When one is traveling, everything looks brighter and lovelier. That does not mean it is brighter and lovelier; it just means that sweet kindly home suffers in comparison to tarted up foreign places with all their jewels on." - Catherynne Valente

I think that wraps up all of my project photos! Tomorrows plans include a trip to the rock shop (for my future gemologist Alaina) a trip to Chases favorite park here in town and I'll be making a peach tart made entirely of fruit picked from the trees in my mom's garden. (I'm thinking we could get use to this vacation schedule) Oh and some more photo editing, I want to post some of our vacation photos so far!
I hope you are having the loveliest of weekends! xo ~ Tara
I just love the way you crafting! so inspiring! :)
I just love these posts with your collage journal, would love to see more of these posts!
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