I had alot of fun with the actual making of this page, but you say the word 'sketch' and my mind goes blank. It took me
- f o r e v e r - to finally decide on a layout/sketch, as in about a week. I've learned to just embrace my turtle-ish scrapbooking speed. There's no sense in trying to change now!!

I also did this past week's challenge on entreARTistes Magazine blog. There's something so pretty and chic about a pink-kraft and white color combination. I'm not going to lie, the sewing part of this layout did take up a considerable amount of time but I think it was worth it. I find hand sewing kind of like therapy, it doesn't require much thought, just simple and fun. :)

Lot's of scrapbooking and sewing took place in my little studio these past few weeks. It's been a wonderful distraction and if all goes well, I'll be a guest- artist for a few more places this summer. I've decided there is not much that pretty paper and fabric can't fix!