Jul 10, 2012

scenes from the beach: day 2 & 3

We've been in Oregon a total of 3 days and have managed to visit a new section of beach each day. Yesterday and today were spent at very sandy beaches, a total contrast to my favorite rocky beach but I think the kids enjoyed these latest ones a bit more! Each morning I get them bundled up, we are from Arizona after all, grab a few plastic bags for treasures and we head out to the beach.

Watching Alaina and Chase collect shells is quite entertaining, they each have their very own system when it comes to collecting. Chase, will search for anything that even slightly looks like a shell. He also likes; rocks, sticks, feathers, sea glass, flowers, leaves and pine cones. Alaina is much more methodical, the shells she looks for have to be a certain size, color and shape. When she returns home she rinses each shell off and groups them together by type. Chase on the other hand pours his shells out and proceeds to step on them because he likes the crunching sound they make. Oh... the difference between boys and girls!

Chase's favorite: Sand Dollars
Alaina's favorite: Clam shells

Today we did a short hike through the forest on a trail called: The Hobbit Trail. It started off flat and then twisted and turned all the way down to the beach. At one point we ducked into tunnels created entirely of plant matter. A very movie like setting indeed! At the end of the trail, it opens to reveal a very long secluded sandy beach which we caught at just the right time this morning as the tide was on it's way out for the afternoon. We walked for nearly 2 hours up and down the beach collecting shells and running from approaching waves. I think we could get use to going to the beach everyday!

I'm off to bed for the night, I think we might take a break and do a little touristy gift shopping tomorrow in the downtown area. Of course, I haven't run these plans by the kids yet so we may end up at a beach again tomorrow after all!

Thanks for checking out my vacation photos!

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