** I think I've included everyone that has signed up, so I'm closing the swap at the 36 of us already signed up. If you missed out on this swap, don't worry I have another idea for a swap in April!! **
I haven't been able to track down some of you that signed up, if you see your name and I don't have a way of contacting you, please leave your email in the comments. *I'll delete all of our email's once everyone has contacted their swap partners.* Since I'm really new at organizing a swap, I probably should have mentioned to leave an email address. doh! Next time, I will remember!
Jennifer C. chapinjennife@yahoo.com <------> Juliet littlemisscraftyis@googlemail.com
April artistaprilcole@gmail.com <-----> Christina cmokeson@gmail.com
Andrea andreabilich@bigpond.com <-----> Jody nitty.grittyjody@yahoo.com
Alicia gollyg8@yahoo.com <-----> Britta www.brittaschatz.blogspot.com
Vintage Love creatingartat2am@yahoo.com <------> Stacy www.hellother-jdrf.blogspot.com
One thousand Paper Cranes <-----> www.curlymosaics.blogspot.com
Tanya craftynumnums@yahoo.com <-----> Angie B. starionleo@cox.net
Brenda dewsgirl0@gmail.com <-----> Emily emilythitphaneth@gmail.com
Nerissa kate_vee_me@hotmail.com <-----> Robin http://capturejoy.blogspot.com/
Danielle shimmeredlife@gmail.com
<-----> Anastasia C aa.christou@optusnet.com.au
Jul <-----> Me!! rosas07@msn.com
Merisaa revestirm001@hawaii.rr.com <------> Amy G. abci3@charter.net
Heather metrochic@gmail.com <-----> Fauve www.fauvevanmaanen.blogspot.com
Patricia Z. coloredsprinklegirl@hotmail.com <----> Renee http://reneesendelbach.blogspot.com/
Nora nlatiff@yahoo.com <-----> TxScrap www.texasscrapaddict.blogspot.com
Tanya M <-----> Jessica jekinthebox@gmail.com
Karey mkm9278@yahoo.com <-----> Heather P. http://myartsycraftybrain.blogspot.com/
Kristina modernfrills@yahoo.com
<-----> Elisa elisa@mbtaz.com
Here's the tricky part, everyone will have to work together to contact their own swap partner. I know you can do it!! Please let me know if you need help or have questions, I'm here to help!

I have some errands to run and some Etsy shipping to take care of, but tonight I'll post 3 of the Valentines that I made! I can also do a tutorial if anyone is interested tomorrow... maybe a how-to make a simple layered Valentine?
Happy Friday!
Thank you Tara for putting this together. Cannot wait to work on mine.
Thanks for organizing this, Tara! I'm excited to get to work.
Here's my email address. dewsgirl0@gmail.com
Please add me too. My e-mail address:
Love to be added....
Hello Tara! I was added and am one that forgot to leave my email address!! So excited to be part of this! Thanks for organizing!
Amy G.
I will contact my swap partner! Thank you for adding me!
Hi Tara,
I blogged a post about you check it out.
This is going to be a fun project!
Have a sweet day.
This is going to be so much fun!
Amy Baldwin
(PS, Jamie and I are already in touch with one another. Thanks!)
Hi Tara
Thank you so much for hostessing & the Valentine eye candy. You have my blog link, but no email so here it is for Robin:
Robin, there is no link or email for you so please contact me. I'm looking forward to swapping with you :)
Thank you Tara for putting me in this swap loop. I am so excited.
Dear TxScrap @ www.texasscrapaddict.blogspot.com please check your email box, you've got mail babe. Keep in touch. Nora aka Manis :)) YAY!!!
Britta is my partner! My email is gollyg8@yahoo.com
Tara, thanks for organizing.
Alicia, I just sent you an email with my info...looking forward to the swap!
Hi Tara, I am still trying to find Anastacia's email address... mine is shimmeredlife@gmail.com
Thanks again for organizing this!!
I wish I found out about this event sooner! I started following your blog a few days ago. I would have loved to participate in your swap! So fun!
Hi Tara,here is my email sweets:
I will send Heather a message,i love my swap partner :)
Can't wait to see all the Valentine stuff!
Thanks for doing this,so much fun!
My blog link is there but here's my email since I check that more: crtarbert@verizon.net
Thanks, Robin
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