**Just wanted to add my email here, I know Julie is looking for me!! email is rosas07@msn.com Feel free to email me! I also owe a few people an email today too.**
Let me first say how much I love Facebook! I wish my blog had some type of feature where I could send a reply to your comments, but so far, Facebook is my best friend. A few nights ago I had posted on fb about making coffee milkshakes for dessert. I'm not a huge fan of ice cream, but once or twice a year, I have a craving for coffee and ice cream! I've been making these milkshakes since high-school and they are still a favorite of mine. :)
So Danielle, this recipe is for you!!
Coffee Milkshake makes 1 lrg. milkshake or 2 smaller milkshakes
ingredients 5 scoops of French Vanilla Ice Cream 1/3 cup strong cold coffee 1/2 TBLS. of Coffee Drink Mix (I really like this coffee mix by General Food International - Cafe Francais) Directions
1. Pour all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth. 2. Serve immediately with a cinnamon stick or chocolate covered coffee beans as garnish.
Last week, I mentioned one of my new favs being Honey Dew smoothies! While Jessica was visiting us in May, we went up to this cute little coffee shop, that had just opened in Cave Creek. I saw a Honeydew Smoothie on their menu and just knew I had to have one! It was the greatest drink ever..... well, next to a Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks of course. :)
I made Jessica try some, and although I was much too shy to ask the employees how they made it, Jessica had no issues going right up and asking for me. (Jessica, you're my hero!) and we were appalled to learn that our amazing smoothie was made from a powered mix. Gasp!
So, I received a bunch of emails asking for a recipe last week, and while I hadn't put much thought into creating one, Alaina and I tied on our aprons and went to work developing our own recipe. Here's what we came up with!!
Honeydew Smoothie makes about 2 large glasses
3 cups or 1/2 a Honeydew Melon, cut into cubes and frozen 1 Tbls. Organic Agave Nectar, or honey 3/4 cup Greek vanilla yogurt 1 Tbls. frozen concentrate apple juice
1. Place all ingredients in a blender, and blend until smooth. 2. Serve with mint sprigs or a Honeydew wedge as garnish.
I wanted to point out just a couple of things. :) I froze the honeydew, this way I didn't need to add ice. I think I like my smoothies ice-free, because I'm not a fan of little ice pieces in my drink. Also, unless you live in the Southwest, Agave Nectar maybe more difficult to find, but it has the same consistency of honey and tastes very similar too! I also think that mixing in some chopped mint would be good too, I'll try it the next time we make these. I'll definitely be making more of these throughout the summer!
wow, time is really going by fast!! I'm actually very thankful for that! I've been spending a bunch of my time researching and reading up on options. I feel like there has been so much info. handed to me all at once. I'm the kind of person that really needs to read and re-read everything and take time to make choices.
I did want to mention a website that I've found so incredibly wonderful. It's like the clouds parted and sent a ray of light onto a support community/website. (I know, it's a bit dramatic, but it's exactly what I needed to find!) The site is called Hyster Sisters.
The problem with being 28 and needing a hysterectomy is that, while my group of girlfriends are incredibly supportive, I can't ask them for advice with this. (Which I suppose is a good thing for them!) I have so many questions that I want to ask, but what's a girl to do? I probably should have asked here, as I'm sure someone in blogland would have pointed me to this site.
A hysterectomy, is the last thing I thought I'd be making an appointment for at 28. I'm trying to accept the fact that Chase will be my last baby. I think I'm ready to let go of all the baby clothes I've been saving from both kids. I'm giving away all of my maternity clothes, that I saved for the ever hopeful 'just in case pregnancy.' I've tearfully begun the process of cleaning out the house, and packing up all things baby related.
and while I know I should be thankful that my dr. caught this in it's early stage, I'm secretly not. I've been angry, sad.... resentful. (although I'm not sure at who exactly.) But the bottom line, is that I would do anything to stay with my kids and Peter, and if that means loosing a few body parts along the way, well, so be it. Surgery date is in 6 1/2 weeks. We pushed back the date to let me heal from the prior surgery. Good and bad. It just gives me more time to think and clean.
I tell Alaina every day, let's be grateful for what we do have, and not complain about what we don't have. I'll admit, it's much easier said than done, even for me!
I'm determined not to feel bad or sorry for myself. It's just another part of life to deal with. So after this is all said and done, you can bet I'll be advocating Women's Health Month come May and I want to do something in January for National Cervical Cancer Screening Awareness Month. Maybe a fundraiser will be in order, and I can cross that off of my check list!
I was planning on doing a post about 'things I love right now,' and on that list is the color coral or salmon. Not only do I keep seeing this color in design magazines but also in fashion mags, which leads me to think that coral, might just be the next pink. (or at least that's what I'm hoping for!)
This weeks, inspired by summer, color combination is:
Cherry Red - Coral - Wheat Cream - Banana Yellow
my inspiration this week:
and I made a LO too! yay!
My very best girlfriend sent me some wrapping paper from Holland, and it was by far, the loveliest paper I've ever seen! I reluctantly cut out some of the images from the wrapping paper into squares, and sewed them onto my card stock. (Do you have a whole stash of paper that is simply to pretty to use? I certainly do!!)
I used one of the Elles Studio journal cards and a little Wood Grain Frame from Kitschy Digitals. Those frames have such a cute vintage feel to them!
Hopefully you'll love this color combination as much as I did, and if cream isn't your cup-of-tea, swap it with a bright crisp white. Happy Scrapbooking!
I've been married to my best friend for 6 years today! It feels much longer than just 6 years, but in a good way. I'd like to think it's because we've fit so much into the past 6 years. :)
and you want to know a secret???
When Peter and I got married, we decided in 10 years we'd renew our vows and have a big wedding/reception closer to home. Last year we chose the perfect place in Sedona, right along a winding creek under a canopy of old oak trees.
So, I've been carefully planning my dream wedding and have been saving ideas for the past years, getting ready for the big event. In light of recent events, I started wondering why should we wait? Why not start planning a big celebration whenever we feel like it? Of course, it would still take me at least a year of planning and organizing but I love the idea of marrying my best friend all over again!
I also decided to finally start that mini I had been wanting to do for so long! Alaina has been asking all sorts of questions lately; how did you and daddy meet?, did you meet in Hawaii?, where did you get married? It seems this is the perfect time to be writing down all of those stories!
I'm going with a 6x6 size. Just something small and cute. I'll fill it with envelopes of all the little notes and cards Peter and have sent each other. Along with the photos and a few scrapbook pages. This should keep be busy for the next few weeks!
I'll be back tomorrow to post the Saturday Color Combo! Happy Friday!
Julie, one of my favorite blog readers, is traveling to Yosemite this month and while reading her question about possible recommendations, it made me smile and then run to find my old photos of Yosemite!
(**Disclaimer Time**) I took these photographs when I was 14 years old in July, that was 14 years ago... try to not laugh*** ok, carry on)
Just the thought of Yosemite brings back memories of childhood summers spent playing in the Merced River with my 2 sisters, hiking with my best girlfriend, feeding the Mule Deer that frequent the campgrounds each morning (conveniently at breakfast time), and a picture perfect Valley with meadows of green grass, soaring mountain ranges and cascading waterfalls. Yosemite National Park is a true American treasure and if ever you get the chance to visit, the natural beauty of the park is sure to astound and inspire you.
(Vernal Falls and trail)
Here's my list of places and things I would do in Yosemite:
1. visit the Ahwahnee Hotel (if I wasn't already a guest staying there ;)) 2. hike Vernal Falls and then continue to hike up to Nevada Falls 3. take a drive to Crane Flats to see the Giant Sequoias or to the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias 4. spend some time floating down the Merced River 5. take the trail to Lower Yosemite Falls 6. visit Mono Lake 7. participate in a 'Night Hike/Flash Light Tour' 8. take a workshop on Ansel Adams photography 9. hike Bridalveil Falls 10. take as many photos as my memory cards will allow :)
(Nevada Falls)
(Standing on the bridge at the top of Nevada Falls looking down)
(forest run off creek)
Ansel Adams, one of my very favorite photographers once said "Yosemite Valley, to me, is always a sunrise, a litter of green and golden wonder in a vast edifice of stone and space."
You can visit Ansel Adams website here to see his beautiful photos of Yosemite and of other National Parks throughout America. and here's a short video about the park:
Of course, me being a native Californian for so long, I would be likely to say that Northern California could warrant it's own vacation. Places like Auburn, Nevada City and Grass Valley are incredible old mining towns, Napa and Yountville are artsy and upscale, Santa Rosa is just beautiful, San Francisco... has everything and then there's the little town of Vacaville where I'm from! :)) Nor Cal is definitely the place to be!
so sometimes when the going gets tough, the tough needs to get a second opinion from one of Arizona's best voted doctors... (that's what the plaque on her office wall said. ;) and she was a very good Dr.! good job AZ!
I use to think that when the going get's tough, the tough get creative. But no,.... that's not it. Getting a second opinion was a much better idea than sitting around scrapbooking this morning.
The good and the bad... another surgery scheduled for Aug and hopefully this will be the last of it! It's been 2 weeks tomorrow from the last surgery and I just need to wait another 4 to head back to the cancer center for the next operation. 4 weeks...... to twiddle my thumbs..... maybe a quick trip to Sedona? to try and keep myself preoccupied with....scrapbooking? 2 highly energetic children? of course I have some assignments due and a house that is never as clean as I would like. I guess I have plenty to do between now and then.
and speaking of scrapbooking that is exactly what I have on the schedule for today! Yay! I haven't made anything since before the surgery, so I'm kind of excited to sit down with some paper and my sewing machine again!!
I tried to work this week, but it seems the anemia I have developed is kicking my butt. It's leaving me rather weak and tired..... two things I'm not used to. As a result, 2 or 3 naps took place each day, lots of vitamins were consumed and a few photos of the kids were captured, but nothing new was created.
I'll hopefully be feeling better and back to posting my color combo next Saturday. We're heading out shortly to watch the fireworks in Cave Creek tonight. :) I think it's cute our little town celebrates on the 3rd and 4th! Happy 4th of July to you!!