Tomorrow will mark the end of our first full week of 2nd grade! Like most mommies, this week has been all about getting back into the swing of things. Homework, packing lunches, new bus stop times, 08972359862395 forms to fill out.... yep, school is back in session! and every day after school Alaina sits down with her snack and tells me about the daily happenings from a 6yr. olds perspective.
Today's conversation went something like this:
Alaina: Mom, Katie wants to be corn.
me: Really? Like for a Halloween costume?
Alaina: No, she just wants to be corn.
me: Well, that's unique.
Alaina: and I want to be rain, in a storm, because lightning and thunder are cool.
me: Rain would be a good choice.
Alaina: and it smells nice too. Oh, and Chase wants to be a panda. - -
Someday, I'm going to crate a little book of all our random conversations. The chronicles of Alaina. I think it would be a fun idea to record everything and be able to look back on our daily ramblings. Do you ever save or scrapbook some of the stories your children tell?
I'll be back tomorrow to choose a winner for the photo canvas!
Hi Tara,
love to read ypur stories everytime!Ther must be a lot of love in your house! It shines out of ervery story!
I also save words from my girls (6 and 4,5 years) I collect them in a note book and use them in their foto albums, instead of wordstickerss. So they are placed between pictures of that time.
Ofcourse we try to let them speak propper Dutch, but some words and stories are wrong in such a funnt way that we let it be and hope the teacher at school will deal with it...
Have o good wekk-end!
yes, the conversations we have our children are unique and I have scrapped a few of them, not nearly as much as I want to though!
That's so cute. I think rain would be a lovely costume. When I was that young, I told my mom I wanted to be a grocery bag full of groceries--and she created a costume for me. Kids come up with the most creative ideas (:
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