I had alot of fun with the actual making of this page, but you say the word 'sketch' and my mind goes blank. It took me
- f o r e v e r - to finally decide on a layout/sketch, as in about a week. I've learned to just embrace my turtle-ish scrapbooking speed. There's no sense in trying to change now!!

I also did this past week's challenge on entreARTistes Magazine blog. There's something so pretty and chic about a pink-kraft and white color combination. I'm not going to lie, the sewing part of this layout did take up a considerable amount of time but I think it was worth it. I find hand sewing kind of like therapy, it doesn't require much thought, just simple and fun. :)

Lot's of scrapbooking and sewing took place in my little studio these past few weeks. It's been a wonderful distraction and if all goes well, I'll be a guest- artist for a few more places this summer. I've decided there is not much that pretty paper and fabric can't fix!
Absolutely fantastic layouts!!!!
I'm the same way when it comes to going at a turtles pace to do a page...haha!!
CONGRATS on being the GDesigner for Pencil Lines Sketches ~ I love that site :)
That layout is soooooooooooooooo gorgeous!!!!
"Turtlish scrapbooking style" ahahhahahahahahah That's too funny, but I shouldn't laugh - my layouts take a few hours to finish too (well, they did when I scrapbooked last heheheh)
That pink S (studio) layout is beyond INCREDIBLE!!!!! I would love to do one like that for Kennedy's initial K....she would just LOVE that in her room :) Thanks for the idea sweetie <3
Tara....love both layouts but I have to say the 1st one is too die for. My gosh what talent!! How are you feeling?
Such beautiful and unusual layouts!!!
Lovely as usual! Hope you are feeling better and life only goes up from here!
I love your work, Tara. These layouts are beautiful!
I've made some cards using your colour combo too, here's the link:
Anthea :)
Love your style - so was happyt o see you being the GD over at PL! :)
I love love love your style.. And I gave your PL sketch a go right away =) Thank you for the inspiration (yet again! ) =D
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