So far, my summer plans have fizzled out..... but, it's given me lot's of time to think about what I would do, if I could, and while I was making a mental list, I thought it could be fun to actually have a real list... Yes, I am completely aware that some of my to-do's are not so realistic, but it hasn't stopped me yet from day-dreaming!

Here's the first 25 things-to-do;
1. purchase and learn how to play a steel drum.
2. take kids camping in Yosemite in the summer time
3. teach an art class in Paris
4. create a small series of paintings
5. own a ranch, with horses
6. plan a huge wedding and reception
7. plan a super cute baby shower
8. organize a large benefit for a children's charity
9. host a "Mad Hatter tea party"
10. have an art/photographing book published
11. spend a Fall in New England
12. own a teal & white VW bus
13. tour the castle's in England
14. learn how to crochet
15. learn how to play the cello
16. raise a crow (or an African pie crow)
17. have a patio that resembles a jungle
18. spend one day in each of the Smithsonian's
19. spend one week at the Kahala Mandarin
20. have a year-round fresh bouquet of peonies & tuberose's
21. Take the kids on a summer long road trip up Highway 1
22. learn how to weld
23. complete a 52 week project
24. start playing the piano again
25. photograph the world

Have you thought about all of the things you'd like to do (now or in the future) but haven't? Want to make a list and share?
What a great idea!!! I think I'm going to make a blog entry on this too very soon :) I make daily lists ~ I don't have a very good memory (in the past few years), so the lists really help me out :)
Here's my list from today ~
* clean kitchen
* do dishes
* water the lawn
* clean out Spuzz's cage (our hamster)
* brush Apollo & Gryffin (too much hair on those kitty cats!)
* watch True Blood episode 1 of Season 3 (for the 4th time heehehhehe)
* print out Ricardo's recipes for supper
* change bed sheets
* clean off the clothesline
That's pretty much it :) I love my daily lists...I should keep them from now on :) (well, at least the more important ones ehhehehe)
Thanks for this was fun!
That is a wonderful list, full of lots of festivity! I love you photographs, too. So beautiful. So subtle.
My lists right now are only to help me remember things...that part of me doesn't seem to be working so well!
I will try to think on this, though. I love pausing and reading your blog entries...
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